Wheat Berry Guide

Imagine growing up in a world where the only berries you knew existed were strawberry fruit gummies. One day, someone tells you that there are more berries than just strawberry fruit gummies. There are blueberries, cranberries, raspberries… Oh, and strawberry fruit gummies aren’t even the real strawberry. WAIT, WHAT!? Mind-blowing. You decide to use this new-found knowledge to throw together some berry pie, but you aren’t sure if you should use cranberries or blueberries in the pie. And to add to it, you can’t even buy berries in a grocery store. Groceries stores are only stocked with strawberry fruit gummies. And if that’s not overwhelming enough, now you have to store these berries in the fridge, which feels odd and new because you are used to just storing your strawberry fruit gummies in the pantry for months.

wheat berries for milling flour

Well, I’m here to tell you that we’ve grown up in this world, but wheat-version. We’ve grown up thinking that white bread and all-purpose flour is the only wheat in existence, but in reality there’s a whole world of wheat out there. Spelt, Durum, Khorasan, Einkorn… It can be overwhelming at first because it all feels so new, but I want to be here to help you along the way!

I’ve created a free wheat berry guide that explains the different types of wheat, when is ideal to use them, where to buy them, and how to store them.

I hope this helps shorten the learning curve in the beautiful world of milling grains!

Happy milling, friends!


Grain Weight Conversions Chart